Friday, October 17, 2008

Enjoy Your Window View Without Glare

Sitting in my office today, I'm enjoying the late afternoon sun beaming through the maples in all their autumn splendour. There is nothing like Toronto in the fall!

Having spent years in the 'bull pen' in the windowless core of an office building, I really appreciate the view and sense of breathing room my window affords my otherwise small and modest office.

In the past, the sun's glare at this time of day would typically have made it impossible to see anything on my computer screen. Solar glare is a function of the sun's angle of incidence to the window and resulting light (read GLARE) makes monitors and electronics' screens difficult, if not impossible, to see.

I used to have to draw the blinds to block the glare. No more. Now that we've installed solar control window film, I am enjoying my window view while working at my computer. The window film we selected blocks enough light to control glare without requiring additional lighting. It is more comfortable too! I can sit right by the window all day without becoming hot or uncomfortable. At the same time, the window film also protect my skin from harmful UV rays that pass through unprotected windows.

It is hard to believe, but something as simple as a thin sheet of plastic film can block heat, glare and UV without blocking my view.

Experience the benefits of heat and glare controlling window film while still enjoying your view. Call Apex Window Films at 416-335-8181 or visit our website at

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